04 Nov 2023

CCSC Club Championships Round 1
So far we have 57 entries. Please enter the event by Monday at 8pm. Please check that you are using the 'second' link in the email.
We are currently short of two Judge Level 1's and 2 Timekeepers to be able to have enough official to meet the SE licensing guidelines.
We also need another volunteer to help with the Door/Raffle.
Club Championships Round 2
At the moment we are so short of qualified officials it is looking like we will not meet SE Licensing requirements. Please can I ask all qualified officials and timekeepers to volunteer if at all possible.
We still have some time to get Timekeepers qualified if you can do the online course and get poolside experience at a Licensed event before the 2nd December.
Thank You to everyone that has volunteered so far.
Nicki Long

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