Open meets
Open meets are held by clubs all over the country and licensed by the ASA. Swimmers from any club can enter whichever events they want. Each event is seeded, so swimmers are usually against others of similar ability.
Each year we support particular open meets, encouraging swimmers to enter and sending along a member of the coaching team. Swimmers are free to enter other meets (there are hundreds to choose from), but won't get coaching support.
Visit the club calendar to see the open meets suitable for all our swimmers over the age of 9 supported by the club: CCSC Calendar
All swims at open meets are timed officially, and the results are recorded on the ASA National Rankings site against the swimmer’s ASA number, so once you've successfully completed an open meet you can look up your own ranking on the ASA website at: ASA individual rankings
There are four levels of meet licence: levels 1 to 3 are Open (anyone can enter, though there are minimum speed entry times for levels 1 and 2); level 4 is Closed (you have to be a member of the hosting swimming club or an affiliated one to enter).
- Level 1 is only swum long course (in a 50 m pool) and is the top level of competition, with tough entry times.
- Level 2 is only swum short course (in a 25 m pool) and is also a high level of competition, equivalent to county or regional standard.
- Level 3 can be swum in either 25 m or 50 m pools. Events have a maximum speed level, which gives developing swimmers a chance to compete without becoming demoralised. These are the events we usually attend.
- Level 4 can be swum in either 25 m or 50 m pools and are run at club level, but with official timings. CCSC Club Championships are level 4 licensed meet.
Each open meet offers a different selection of strokes, distances and age groups, with some events open to swimmers as young as nine. They are a great way to get competition experience, and the only way to gain an official time for entry into the county championships. However, some open meets can be quite daunting for younger swimmers as there may be long gaps between events. The coaches and team managers are always happy to advise on suitable open meets.
Sometimes you can enter via an on-screen link; otherwise send an email to the team manager with the exact event details. Although the club hosting the open meet may specify a closing date, these events often fill up quickly – it's a good idea to let the team manager know your events as early as possible. There is a fee for each event you enter which you should pay online or at the Friday desk; if your application to enter is not successful your fee will be refunded.